Launceston born, Tim has lived and worked in Coles Bay for the last 20 years, he has a love of photography and a passion for the Freycinet Peninsular. He has been a Bakery Manager, Kayak and Adventure guide, Holiday Park Manager and has surfed every beach in the area.
In early 2012 he enrolled with Curtain University and completed, with distinctions, Web Design and Developing. Realising that by the time the information made it into the curriculum of the University, it was out of date, he continued his study online directly from the U.S. and has been geeking out ever since.
Ros likes to work with pictures & words, helping clients find the beauty and the story in what they do.
Her camera gives her an excuse to be inquisitive, reminding her to look at the world from every angle. She loves story, and intrigue, & photographing the moments in between.
She also writes & curates content for websites, and social media; builds websites on Squarespace, & does all the "behind the scenes" guff at Puddlehub.
Geek girl trainee - Our days are filled with juggling work and parenting, and they often blend into one. No doubt Mini Hub will be coding before we know it!
Her particular skill set revolves around helping the rest of the team keep it real, and making sure they are up and running by 6am each morning.